Today I installed the radio console and fitted it so the instrument panel will drop down to allow access for the fuses. I thought today was going to be pretty straight forward but the previous owner hadn't installed the two upper bolts in the radio console so I had to try to find a couple of bolts that would look decent (at some point Scott may want to order a couple of chrome bolts and washers like it would have had but this will hold it in place and honestly they are hard to see). The second problem was fixing the turn signal mechanism, Scott had asked me to see if I could fix his turn signal so that it would self cancel, usually this is a pretty simple fix of something that has slipped but not this time. Who ever replaced the steering wheel had left off the pal nut that locks the steering wheel nut and the bracket that locks the adjustable steering column screw in place. The pal nut wasn't a big deal but the bracket was as the lock pin/screw could have fallen out leaving Scott with the steering wheel in his hands-not good! Got that fitted only to find out that the turn signal switch wasn't mounted properly and that a piece was missing there that centers the switch on the column. The pictures will give you a better idea of what I'm talking about:
Dash, trim and console installed, should be simple to install the steering wheel right? |
Hope had to figure out why the turn signal switch mechanism wouldn't stay centered on the column, turns out that someone previously had left out or lost the second half of the bracket. Rather than waiting another week if we could even get the piece I decide to see if I could craft a substitute. |
This is the substitute bracket, will it work? |
Perfect, now the switch is centered and the locking collar can be fitted. Naturally it need a little work to fit and I had to find some bolts that would work and not foul the sliding shaft on the column. |
All back together, will probably have the car ready to go home early next week if all goes well.
'That's All Folks'
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